For labels that are required on an extra fast turnaround, same day or next day, our printing service offers labels and tags printed on thermal transfer paper, satin or nylon labels to fill all types of markets.
We take pride in ensuring that your order is produced in the shortest possible time.
We can also be your backup. If your printer ever breaks down and your goods need to be delivered very quickly, please contact us! We will be happy to help you meet your shipping commitments.
The main reason for our continued growth is our prompt service. We do our best to help clients meet their deadlines.
IBC Labels Inc. is a family business with over 22 years of labeling experience. We know how much importance companies place on service quality and product quality. Rest assured that our reputation is based not only on our excellent service, but also on our competitive prices.
We can respond to your needs within a short time not exceeding 24 hours on certain products. We take pride in satisfying our customers the same day or the next day. IBC Labels offers one of the fastest service bureau printing services in all of Quebec.
Our extensive knowledge of the label market and our perfected know-how for over 20 years allow us to guarantee you one of the most competitive prices in the industry.
We are proud to offer custom labels. We will be able to meet customer demands, whatever the shape, size, or color desired.
Étiquettes IBC Labels
433 Chabanel Ouest Suite #121
Montréal (Québec)
Canada, H2N 2J3
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